28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 Santa Clause and God

It’s hard to even consider the possibility that Santa isn’t real. Everyone seems to believe he is. As a kid, I heard his name in songs and stories and saw him in movies with very high production values. My mom and dad seemed to believe, batted down my doubts, told me he wanted me to be good and that he always knew if I wasn’t. And what wonderful gifts I received! Except when they were crappy, which I always figured was my fault somehow. All in all, despite the multiple incredible improb...
Folksonomies: parenting atheism god
Folksonomies: parenting atheism god
  1  notes

One is a myth meant to expire, the other is a myth meant to last a lifetime.

31 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Chemistry VS Biology

I came to biochemistry through chemistry; I came to chemistry, partly by the labyrinthine routes that I have related, and partly through the youthful romantic notion that the natural sciences had something to do with nature. What I liked about chemistry was its clarity surrounded by darkness; what attracted me, slowly and hesitatingly, to biology was its darkness surrounded by the brightness of the givenness of nature, the holiness of life. And so I have always oscillated between the brightne...
Folksonomies: biology chemistry
Folksonomies: biology chemistry
  1  notes

Chargaff relates how he was drawn to Chemistry for its clarity surrounded by the unknown and later biology for its lack of clarity but surrounded by the known.

08 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 The Good Science Does

• Despite plentiful opportunities for misuse, science can be the golden road out of poverty and backwardness for emerging nations. It makes national economies and the global civilization run. Many nations understand this. It is why so many graduate students in science and engineering at American graduate schools - still the best in the world - are from other countries. The corollary, one that the United States sometimes fails to grasp, is that abandoning science is the road back into pover...
Folksonomies: science wonder virtue hope
Folksonomies: science wonder virtue hope
  1  notes

Science is a road out of poverty for nations, warns us of impending dangers, explains our origins, and encourages democracy.